Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I had:) Unfortunately, I have nobody to take me some photos (my personal photographer, also called a boyfriend, lives in another city:P), so I wanna show you some photos that have inspired me lately.
PS Nie mogę dziś przestać słuchać głosu Piotrka Cugowskiego. Myślę, że to jeden z najlepszych wokali na świecie. Niestety nie doceniony... Tu w genialnej interpretacji 'Roxanne' The Police.
Czy wie ktoś jak dodaje się pliki z youtuba do postów?
PS I can`t stop listening the voice of Piotrek Cugowski - fantastic Polish singer. I think this is one of the best vocals in the world. Unfortunately he is underrated... Here, in a genious interpretation of 'Roxanne' by The Police.
Świetne inspiracje
OdpowiedzUsuńWish my boobs looked as good as #3.
photo #1 do you know who the models is and that photoshoot?